For many, schools being back in session is top of mind right now. But today's concerns are a bit more complicated than years past as administrative staff, parents, and students must consider campus safety, security, and now, wellness. Today, the two primary security systems used in schools are traditional access control and video surveillance. Some schools also try to layer their campus security with security guards. However, there's only so much these run-of-the-mill security solutions can do, especially while facing today's challenges.
In an Inside Higher Ed study, eight in ten respondents say they feel very (37 percent) or somewhat (43 percent) safe on campus. Since 2018, several states have passed mandates requiring a specific level of security, which includes restricted visitor access and access controls, emergency, and mass notification systems, and crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). This sounds like a lot for schools to worry about, but schools can meet these requirements and help ease their students' and staff's safety concerns with the right security system.
Challenges for the Educational Sector and How Alcatraz can Help
Since the start of the pandemic, welcoming students back to school has only become increasingly complicated. The best way to prepare is to ensure you have the right tools to help students and staff have more enjoyable and safer experiences on campus. However, striking a balance between providing high levels of security with a certain level of convenience can also prove problematic during these times. Additionally, schools must be budget-conscious and use their resources wisely. This is where Alcatraz AI comes in.
The Alcatraz Rock has what schools and campuses need. It provides the highest level of security to institutions through its AI-powered facial authentication technology that readily scans and authenticates users as they approach an entryway, creating seamless and secure access. For campuses looking to enforce the use of masks, The Rock's next-level system intelligence can recognize if a staff member is wearing a mask or not and only grant them access to the campus if they are wearing one.
The AI-powered technology can also pick up on any tailgaters, meaning your campus no longer needs to have an extensive guard staff and can cut down on that overhead expense with a simple solution. The Rock can also be programmed only to allow specific users to access certain campus locations, such as testing laboratories, residence halls, fitness centers, and more.
Secure Your Educational Institution with Alcatraz AI
The Rock's frictionless access control solution helps educational institutions deliver enhanced access control security to various areas, including campus facilities, dorms, data centers, and more. The Alcatraz Rock can improve an existing access control solution by augmenting it with secure facial authentication while always protecting against tailgaters. Rest assured that only approved faculty, staff, and students will get access.
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